Active acne bumps after microneedling facial. Best pen roller aftercare serum at home

Right cheek
Left cheek
WARNING: Disturbing images. Pictures are original and not edited.

Bumps after micro-needling facial

I am always prone to breakout, but never like this before. And I am certain that this is not caused by acne. It was extremely itchy and had pus. I was sure that I had an infection. My previous acne bumps had cleared after several sessions of chemical peels and retinol cream.
This inflamed red and itchy outbreak happened after a micro-needling facial that I did at a reputable salon.

Dermatologist fee of close to $300 to reverse the damage does not guarantee no permanent scarring

On mutual agreement, I will not reveal the name of the facial salon and will not want to as well as I am also aware that after the incident, they will be improving their products and hygiene and attending proper micro needling training. Everyone deserves a chance, right? 

Micro-needling at home
I have been extremely careful about micro-needling facial since and will not walk into any salon for micro-needling. I am glad to receive professional advice from Xmedicimports. Knowing that there are always risk involved with micro-needling treatment, I have learned some basic self micro-needling techniques and steps to perform myself at home. Nevertheless, with any wound, bacteria can still get into the skin causing infection. Here are some tips I would like to share for the sake of your skin and if you still want to do micro-needling yourself at home please continue to read on.

Micro-needling benefits
Microneedling is the process of inserting fine and short needles into the skin to make the skin youthful and glowing.  People suffering from scars and facial marks love the microneedle process since it not only boosts collagen but also improves the appearance of scars. The procedure also facilitates new hair regrowth.  Those looking to eliminate skin problems are encouraged to try micro-needling because of its numerous benefits. It is a simple process that involves minimal invasion on the skin layer.  Microneedling started in the 1990s and became popular after many people adopted it.  Currently, many beauty salons and clinic offer micro-needling services to rejuvenate patients’ skins.  The process creates microscopic punctures that result in glowing and beautiful skin. 

Microneedling for active acne 

If you are prone to breakouts, you should clear your acne first to prevent the spread of bacteria over the face and driving it deeper with the microneedle. Acne sufferers should only have micro-needling done by a properly trained professional.

Cleanse and Peel powder
Cleansing and exfoliating
To start off, the treatment is best to perform at night to completely avoid the sun and to let your skin breathe.
Regardless of whichever skin type you have, it is essential to deep cleanse your skin.
The powder enzymatic cleanse and peel from Ekseption is excellent preparation product prior to micro-needling. Exfoliate the skin to remove dead cells and open your pores can better absorb for the vitamins used during micro-needling
Choosing the best clinic or salon for micro-needling facial treatment
One needs to be careful when choosing a facial salon or clinic since choosing the wrong one can be detrimental.  The products and pen or roller determine the results and safety. Having a bad experience at the facial salon previously, it is definitely not worth to pay for this price. 

The face is the most visible part of the body, hence we undergo micro-needling to look good.  If one’s face gets damaged during treatment, they will live with the consequences for the rest of their lives. And worst off, no amount of money ay be able to reverse the skin damage. So if you were to ask me now, I would definitely invest in proper procedure products used by doctors than to trust any commercial creams that are not procedure safe.

 Different performance. Different quality.

Dr pen premium has the closest performance to Fusion meso pen platinum (dermatologist pen) at only a fraction of the cost.

Micro-needling facial tool - Pen and Roller

Microneedling pen stimulates blood flow and increases the availability of cell nutrients for skin regeneration and hair growth.  Both micro-needling roller and micro-needling pen are types of microneedles, although they differ.  Microneedling pens can reach easily to treat problematic areas easily such as nose or eye areas, while it is hard to reach such areas using derma rollers hence the preference for the former. Also, needle depths are adjustable with micro-needling pen while derma rollers only reach a single depth. 

 Pharmaceutical-grade serum (certified sterile A)

Professional micro needling serum

Fusion meso serum is made sterile for mesotherapy. The clinical grade active serums include vitamins, peptides, growth factors, and hyaluronic acid. It is formulated for both transdermal and topical applications so never to use any on the shelves skincare with micro-needling to avoid any unwanted complications and risks on your face.

Fusion meso cryo cooling mask + Clinical derma roller mask

Microneedle mask

Hydration is significant right after micro-needling facial as your skin will be inflamed may feel tight itchy and hot. The Ekseption cryo cooling mask is a procedure mask used in the doctors' office. It gives immediate comfort to ease off the redness itchiness of delicate post microneedle skin. 

The clinical derma roller mask is very good for hydration as dryness will set in after the second or third day. You should also be using this mask for at least 3 days post the microneedle facial treatment to restore back your skin moisture and improve the hydration and elasticity.

Pharmaceutical grade products are made with stringent quality control.

Essential Post Micro-needling Aftercare
1.10 vitamins cream repair
3.Meso shield sunscreen 
4.Anti-bacterial ointment

*Proven lab testing results for Fusion and Ekseption medical skincare. With courtesy from Xmedicimports

Microneedling aftercare

Chemicals in commercial skincare can lead to disruption of skin repair, especially after micro-needling.  It is necessary to use the correct products to speed up the process of skin repair and to provide the correct nutrients for the skin. Everyone is striving to protect the skin whether you are outside in the sun or indoors. It is crucial to protect your skin using a good post-treatment sunscreen.

Anti-bacterial aftercare

Microneedling results

The use of medical-grade skincare and daily use of a good sunscreen with clinical evidence will support our skin collagen deposition to continue months following treatment. My skin has certainly improved, the lines around my eyes had diminished greatly as well as improved pore size.
Everyone all has different skin types from normal, dry, oily, combination, sensitive, and acne-prone. Understanding your skin type enables you to choose the right products that will work correctly for you. By using proper skincare you will be on the right track to youthful and glowing skin in years to come.

Here you can purchase medical-grade skincare products to ensure good effective results and safer lower risk treatment. Xmedicimports is where I purchase my medical skin care products. For treatments, products or even aesthetics training, please contact Xmedicimports directly.


A1 vs A2 milk ? Debunking The Milk Myth

 A1 vs A2 milk ? Debunking The Milk Myth 

Drink your grow up strong. That’s what we learned growing up for our teacher and parents. Calcium, they said, makes our bones healthy and strong, prevents us from experiencing broken bones and sprains and reduces our risk of getting bone-related-degenerative illnesses like osteoporosis. 

Milk is a therapeutic food and have been used for healing for centuries.

It is a complete food that the weak can solely rely on as a whole food for healing.

Most of us purchase dairy products from our local supermarket. We are unaware of the most healing milk comes from a A2 milk raw unhomogenised and unpasteurised.

A1 beta-casein explained
The problem with milk containing A1 beta casein is that the 67th amino acid switch from proline to histidiene readily allows a digestive enzyme to cut out a 7 amino acid segment of the protein immediately adjacent to the histidine.
The 7 amino acid segment that is separated from A1 beta-casein is known as beta-casomorphin-7, often abbreviated as BCM-7.
When proline is present in that location (as it is in A2 beta-casein), that same segment is either not separated at all or the separation occurs at a very low rate.
BCM-7 and disease
BCM-7 is the real “devil” in the A1 milk for a number of reasons. It is an exogenous (doesn’t naturally occur within the human body) opioid that interacts with the human digestive system, internal organs and brainstem. While no direct causal relationships have been demonstrated between BCM-7 and these illnesses, indigestion of BCM-7 has been linked to type 1 diabetes, heart disease, autism, and other serious diseases as well.

Raw milk
Raw milk contains healthy saturated fats and omega-3 fats,  probiotics, enzymes, vitamins and immunoglobulins (antibodies) that protects us from diseases and infections.

Pasteurised milk

Pasteurising is a process where the milk is heated to 72 degree celcius for 15 seconds killing both the harmful and beneficial bacterial. Similar to cooking an egg, the protein structure changes the enzymes, immunoglobulins (antibodies) and vitamins are mostly degraded.

Homogenised milk

Through homogenization, fat molecules in milk become smaller and become 'capsules' for substances that bypass digestion. Proteins that would normally be digested in the stomach or gut are not broken down, and are absorbed into the bloodstream. Homogenized milk, with its added hormones, is rocket fuel for cancer.

Large-scale dairy farms homogenize milk because the process allows them to mix milk from different herds without issue. By preventing cream from rising to the top, homogenization also leads to a longer shelf life of milk that will be most attractive to consumers who favor milk without the cream layer. This allows large farms to ship greater distances and do business with more retailers. Finally, homogenization makes it easier for dairies to filtrate out the fat and create two percent, one percent and skim milk.

A 1 milk - big black and white cow breeds of European descent such as the Holstein and Friesian.

A2 milk -  Guernsey cow (originate from India with a hump on the back) , human milk, goat milk, camel milk

A1 milk - cause allergies, indigestion, autoimmune disorder, osteoporosis, diabetes
A2 milk - heal allergies, good for digestion, improve skin health 

Best A2 milk

Rank 1 - Camel milk

Camel milk - being the most expensive milk around is known to have unique medicinal properties. The camel milk have been used as medicines for diverse ailments since ancient times for diseases like cancer, hepatitis, diabetes autism, HIV. Camel milk also contains immunoglobulins (Igs) that are special in camels, including unique subclasses IgG2 and IgG3.   The Igs are the same structure as human immunoglobulins but only one-tenth the size.  Being so small, they can penetrate into tissues and organs to fight infection and aid repair, where human antibodies cannot.
Camel antibodies have superior antibacterial and antiviral properties. 

Camel milk is endowed with anti-malignant, antiplatelet and anti-thrombotic properties in addition to a host of anti-bacterial and viral properties, suggesting, among other things, the existence of a very strong immune system, which was recently shown to be equipped with unique light-chain-only antibodies.

Recommended product:  Aadivik freeze-dried camel milk powder

Processing method - Freeze-dried
Homogenised - No

Price - $120

Where to buy :

Freeze-drying is a process that preserves food by removing 98 percent of its water content while still retaining most of its flavor, color, texture, and nutritional value. 
Minimally processed and closest to raw milk possible, Aadvik milk powder is also


Rank 2 - Goat milk

Goat milk often point out that goat milk is higher in protein, vitamin A, calcium, and potassium than cow milk—which it is. Of course, they usually don’t mention that goat milk is lower in folate, B12, selenium and omega-3. But it doesn’t really matter; the nutritional differences are all quite small. I’d consider the two to be nutritionally equivalent.

Recommended product:  Mt.Capra milk powder

Processing method - Reflectance Window Drying

Homogenised - No

453 g
Price - $24.46 (excluding international postage)

Where to buy:
You can use this discount code when check out on herb to get a 5% off your next order  WIQ467 

Refractance  Window Drying® technology is the gentlest method to dry fresh whole foods. It is a unique, self-limiting dehydration method that uses infra-red light, rather than direct extremes of temperature, to remove water from food. Relying on the conductivity of water together with the properties of infra red and the refractance of light, this is the preferred method for preserving the precious nutrients and phytonutrients found in whole foods. In this process, important sensory qualities of the fresh whole food, such as color, aroma, taste and nutritional value are retained. 


Rank 3 - Guernsey Cow milk

There are only afew A2 milk brands in the market, Unfortunately I have not found any to be minimally processed. Most of them are heavily processed for commercial marketing purposes. Please leave a comment below if you have any good brands in mind that are at least non-homogenised .

TCA peel to reveal a brighter younger looking skin!

Chemical peels strip away the top layer of dead cells to reveal fresh new skin underneath. 
Sometime ago I underwent a TCA peel 25% at Dr Tham Siew Nee clinic to brighten my overall complexion and to lighten my mild acne scars .  TCA peel is a strong peel , upon application the skin will immediately crust.It’s been quite a painful experience,  Luckily, both the procedure and recovery went fine.

About Dr Tham
Dr Tham Siew Nee is a senior dermatologist with more than 30 years experience practising dermatology. You  can be certain your skin will be in good hands.

Day 1: sunburned look, 
Day 2: sunburned look, skin turing brown
Day 3: dead skin starts to dry up making it very hard to talk or smile
Day 4: skin starts to peel and flake
Day 6: the old dead skin easily flakes off when touches water or when washing the face.
Day 8: my skin is completely refreshed!

Found a set ring yesterday on a 1 hour run.  - Litany of the Undaunted -.

The properties seems bland, and I could not think of any use for it.. is to the stash for now.

Guys is there any interesting use or build for this ring that I can make use of?

Please drop me some comments or hints.

Thanks as always!

Are you really getting good water from your store or are they making you sick?

Do bottled water in store hold up to their claims?

Icelandic PH  7

Trader Joe PH 8.5
Essential PH 9.5


Eternal PH 8

Smart water PH 5

Trader Joe Mountain Spring PH 7

ethos water PH 4

Dasani PH 5

Aquafina PH 4

Walmart Good Value PH 4

Zephyrhills PH 8 

Fiji PH 7

Tap water PH 7

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